Friday, October 1, 2010

Week One, Orientation

Week one was orientation/getting to know every one that we will be working with for the next 3 months. We had a few days of every one telling their story of faith. It was extremely moving to see where some of the people have come from. Seeing how God has moved in these peoples lives to bring them to where they are now, is truly amazing.
Worship. We have only had 3 worship sessions, but they have been spirit filled and God provided. Every time, God has brought me to tears because of his grace and beauty. But they were not tears of sorrow, or of guilt, but tears of great Joy! Joy because of the gift of Jesus Christ.
"And I tell you this, that there is no greater love that a man lays down his life for his friends..."
Already, this has been a trip where God has revealed himself, and his will to me. Thank you all for praying for me, and encouraging me.
God Bless

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