Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hearing Gods Voice...

This week, our topic was Hearing Gods Voice. The speakers name was Jason Solari, from Sarasota, Florida. He intentional left out ways of hearing Gods Voice until the last day so that we would not be just expecting to hear Gods voice in every little thing that we did.
He started off the lectures with an exercise that was rather interesting, but very practical. He made us pair up, then stare into each others eyes for 3 mins. The rules were that we could not talk, laugh, and we have to learn something new about the person that we are paired up with. I learned that Jared Brown does not give up to easily.
The next day, Mr. Solari then talked about communication. 93% of communication is non-verbal. The basics in communication is that there is a Sender, a Message, and a Receiver. What prevents that Message from coming to us is something called Noise. The noise that is in our lives that separates us from receiving Gods message varies. It could be anything from stronghold that Satan has in our lives. It could be a bad relationship that we are not letting go of, and not forgiving. It could be something that is not a sin, but effecting our time spent with God.
In the end, God can communicate with us through many things. Through other people, through reading his word, through animals (refer to the story of Balem), and many more ways.
Mr. Solari is really practical with his teachings, and making every day situations on how to communicate with God, and how to communicate with others. We can not have a one sided relationship with God, just asking, and asking, and asking for things. We have to talk, and listen. God will always answer us, even if it is in a way that we are not expecting (ie. in animals) ;)
In Genesis, when Adam and Eve were hiding from God, the bible says that God was walking in the cool of the day, and searching for Adam and Eve. He longs to talk to us, and longs to have a relationship with us, despite us not being worthy, and constantly taking his grace for granted.

Thank you for your continual support, and prayers!
God Bless you!

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