Friday, October 8, 2010

Fear of the Lord...

This week, we had a speaker who came in to speak on the topic, "Fear of the Lord". His name is Glen Vine, and he was a missionary in Tibet for 12 years.
A lot of the things he said was on marriage, more then Fearing God, but when he did talk about the subject at hand, he said a lot of things that really hit home why we are to Fear the Lord, and how to do so. He talked about how a lot of Christians place following God into Law, or Grace. Those who live by the Law are those who are like the Pharisees. They draw lines that must be followed so that they do not break the covenant that God has made with them. The ones who live by Grace are those who will sin, and just say, "God will forgive me of it later." and they do not repent and change their ways. Mr. Vine says that we are to have a plumb line hanging between Law and Grace, and that we are to not sway one way or another. We are supposed to have not laws, but the values that Christ has given us are to govern our lives. If we do fall away from those values, we are to repent of or sins, and seek a change in our lives so that we do not fall that way again.
Glen talked a lot about spiritual warfare. He talked about the different spirits (fear, guilt, depression...etc.) and that even when we are deep with our walk with God, they can still have an influence on us. He also talked about how to stop them from accomplishing their mission. He said that when we have fear of the Lord, the spirits would fear us.
Summed up in one sentence, the Fear of the Lord is to respect and honor the values of God, and to fear the consequences of not following the values.
What I really liked about Glen was that at the beginning of the week, he made the statement, "Some of the things I will say might not be of the bible, but of my own opinion. If you disagree, or have different feelings about a certain issue, talk to me about it, pray about it, and check in the Bible about the subject." There was one or two things that I did not agree with him, and I still don't, a lot of the things he said this week were really truthful, and biblically correct.
Again, thank you for your Prayers and Support!
God Bless


joeysawatzky said...

Sounds pretty good. Keep posting on what's going on, it's good to hear from you.

Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.

The Proverbs are written for those who fear the Lord, oops sorry, the LORD.

David said...

Thanks Joey. I will try and do weekly updates. if you want daily, check my facebook or twitter.