Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Been in the book of Revelation this week. Not going to start giving a huge teaching on the book, but it is challenging. this book is all about comfort when going through times of great trial and persecution. Jesus tells the church in Smyrna right off the hop that they will be thrown in prison and tortured until they die.

I just keep looking at places in the world where this is reality for people, and wondering what have I done/what can I do to help? Praying for all the saints to be kept sanctified until the day is really the only thing I can do at the moment. Right now, God has me stationed in a bible school, learning the word, preparing me for what is to come. I have often gone into the community to tell people about Jesus to show them Gods love and be a light in this world. I take joy in that. Later though, am I willing to go out into a place where I will die by the sword, by being thrown in boiling oil, be crucified for whom I profess as the Saviour of my Soul? Am I willing to leave the comfort of family and friends, the comfort of a well paying, stable job to go to a place where I will be alone, stripped naked of all my belongings, sleep on freezing concrete floor, often not having any food? This is a reality that people have to face every day in areas of oppression.

Where is their comfort? where is their hope? In the Lord! They know that if they die, they will not taste death again. they will be safely under the alter of our Lord. We need to encourage these people, and also be encouraged by them as well. In the end, all who remain in Christ will have the Crown of life and will live forever in the glory of Him who called us. We need to be praying for people in hardcore situations of trial and persecution, wherever on the globe it is. If we aren't are we really supporting the rest of the body?

These are just things that I have been challenged by in this book. It isn't anything of fear, or being scared of what is to come, but out of love for the rest of the saints that need help and comfort that their Lord is in control.

Sorry. my thoughts are all over the place.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

This is something that's been on my heart and Joey's heart lately, too. Prayer is definitely the best we can do... and we must do it faithfully!