Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mark 3:33-35

"33And he answered them, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" 34And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother."

The past few weeks have been pretty hard with being away from family and friends back home. There has just been lots of feelings of longing to see people, wanting to be there to see my niece and nephews grow up. Times where I just want to sit back, talk with my dad about things, or make a feast with my mom, and brothers, or just times of sitting back, and chilling with my friends talking about random things, just having a good time. But time and time again does God bring me back to his purpose for my life, not his. That there is nothing to big, nothing to small that I should be willing to surrender for the name of the Lord.

Not saying that the people out here are bad or anything. They have been here for me when I needed to talk, they have been here for me when God has been working through me, but there is just a different feeling, knowing that this is the only nine months that I will ever know/see these people for any extended amount of time. They play a very significant role in my life for the next nine months, but after that, what? Are they only to be acquaintances of mine?

Just thoughts...


Joey said...

Brothers and Sisters in Christ are never just acquaintances.

Andrea said...

We love you, David! You are still an awesome uncle, even though you are far away.

David said...

Thanks Guys.
the night wrote this, all the guys happened to be in the same room, and we have all been feeling the same thing. that none of us has really gotten the chance to know one another, except maybe on Sundays, when people are out doing anything. Because most of the time, we have no time to talk with one another. Its usually just class, study, work duty, study, go to bed. not a lot of time to sit down and talk with people. Just some things that have been happening.