Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mark 3:33-35

"33And he answered them, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" 34And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! 35 For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother."

The past few weeks have been pretty hard with being away from family and friends back home. There has just been lots of feelings of longing to see people, wanting to be there to see my niece and nephews grow up. Times where I just want to sit back, talk with my dad about things, or make a feast with my mom, and brothers, or just times of sitting back, and chilling with my friends talking about random things, just having a good time. But time and time again does God bring me back to his purpose for my life, not his. That there is nothing to big, nothing to small that I should be willing to surrender for the name of the Lord.

Not saying that the people out here are bad or anything. They have been here for me when I needed to talk, they have been here for me when God has been working through me, but there is just a different feeling, knowing that this is the only nine months that I will ever know/see these people for any extended amount of time. They play a very significant role in my life for the next nine months, but after that, what? Are they only to be acquaintances of mine?

Just thoughts...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Far...


Over the last two months, I've been in a bible school, on the opposite side of the world from where my home is. I can't say I've had a more challenging (Spiritually and Mentally) time in my life so far. Constantly surrounded by a community with little time to get away and live. Always some one around, never any privacy. There is always something that could use a cleaning in the house, and rarely any one ready to clean it. Spiritually, there is much more concious awareness as to an eternal perspective, and the choices that I see people making. Choices that separate further and further from the truth, and from Jesus. Also, to see peoples hard work and labour being turned up in vain. People showing raw emotional love and servant hood being denied by the ones meant to receive it.
As for studying, wake up, read a few chapters of my bible eat breakfast, go to class till lunch, study till Supper, study after supper till bed time, repeat. So little time to do anything else.

But it has also been two of the best times of my life. Being pushed away from my comfort zone into an atmosphere where everyone is working in harmony, in the Sunshine Coast of Australia onlooking a beautiful river. Being able to serve one another in a tangible way, and always looking to help one another out, and being open with one another about struggles, goals, passions, visions.
Being able to be covered in the word of God nearly every waking hour of the day, no where else would I have this opportunity. Also, any time I go out, I've had the opportunity to share in fellowship with some one else who has noticed my bible, and wanted to bless me with encouragement, I have been extremely blessed.

In my studies, the biggest thing that I have been learning, and recognizing is the idea of bowing before Jesus in the throne room of the Almighty, revering him, and serving him. about a month ago, I studied Luke and Acts, two of the books with the most real and practical applications to our lives as Christians. Recorded events and real teachings of Jesus, and his followers. Yet the story does not stop there. after the book of acts, the story goes on. We are Acts 29. we are the people that serve Christ, and seek to see his kingdom furthered, and to help a people who are so lost. More and more what I have been seeing is that if there is no action, no one telling others about Jesus, no one to go out, then there is no point in having faith in Christ. I just finished studying James, and the big thing in James is that if some one has faith, but does not live it out, his faith is dead, and he has no faith. It is the sin of not responding to the call that Jesus has in our lives to out and tell others about him. A theme that runs through Hebrews is how God has spoken to the nation of Israel, yet the fathers had not responded, but continued on. The author of Hebrews is crying out to the readers to not be hard in their hearts, so deaf in their ears to the voice and leading of God. How they will miss the mark because of their inaction. Yet how different are people who call themselves Christians because they go to church every Sunday, and do nothing in between the weeks.

This has been on my heart, and it is more and more what I have been seeing in the scriptures.

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which have been prepared before hand, that we should walk in them."


Thursday, September 22, 2011


So, I'm back in Australia, and should really pick up writing the blog again. I guess people back home want to know what I'm doing...so, here I go.

A little over a year ago, God said to me, "Go to YWAM." So, last September, I went to the Sunshine Coast to do my YWAM. While I was on outreach, God said, "Go back to the Sunshine Coast, and continue with YWAM, and do the School of Biblical Studies." At the time, I was all hyped up to go. I didn't have anything back home to tie me down, no debt, nothing to stop me really. That was in February of 2011. SBS starts in September of 2011, so there was a little bit of a "waiting period" so to speak. During that time, I worked at a fast food joint, serving others, using my actions to witness to people, rather then preach to them. When I started there, I was the only Christian worker there, no one got along, and gossiped about everyone else. When I left that joint, there was a sense of peace, and calmness, and no hostility towards one another. Then I left to go work at Bible Camp, leading two discipleship programs during the summer, and cabin lead the Senior Teen week.
During the 6-7 months that I was back in Canada, I went deeper in relationships with people, and my family to. The first time I left for Aus, there wasn't a whole lot of emotional attachment. Yea, I loved people, and held them in respect as I would my own blood relatives. This time, leaving was hard. Really hard. If I were to use an example, It would be like pulling apart a string or something. Being attached to so many people, then just breaking off from them for a year with a simple tug. I mean, I can still communicate with everyone, and talk to them, but there is a little barrier of an ocean apart from all of them. Its just not the same. But, its necessary for me to do. Give up everything to follow the Lord. give up family, give up money, give up time, give up everything.
Before we can let God use us, we must first be willing to be sacrifices ourselves. Before we can say "God, what is it that you want me to do?" we must first be willing to say "yes" no matter what the cost. This is something of a cliché, you know, "of course we must be willing to do anything." But it's so much more then just words. Soooooo much more. Something that I have only started to learn, and until later on in my life, I'll never fully understand. I don't have kids, I don't have a wife, I don't have a house, I don't have a car, I don't have anything except me to offer. Even before I can have family, I must first be willing to give them up. I'm not going to use the classic Abraham offering Isaac at the altar, because I have no idea how Abraham felt, and have no idea how hard it would have been to offer up the only child he had bore. No way.
The story I will use is any story where Jesus heals people. The common thing that they all have is that Jesus showed compassion on them, and healed them. Then they went away rejoicing, and telling others about the what Christ has done for them. This is all I can do now. Rather then try and dwell on what I might have back home, I can rejoice with the mercies and blessings that Christ has given me today.

God Bless, David.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Habakuk 1:2

2 How long, LORD, must I call for help,
but you do not listen?
Or cry out to you, “Violence!”
but you do not save?